DoD Research Project 001.
intersection of human user experience and artificial intelligence

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DoD Research Project 001.
intersection of human user experience and artificial intelligence

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The United States government has mandated a human-in-the-loop approach for critical decision-making within AI-enabled systems, providing practical and ethical safeguards. However, our adversaries and allies are already pursuing full autonomy, bypassing this step.

Existing UI design conventions in defense and national security software lack consistency and efficiency, increasing cognitive load and reducing operational effectiveness for analysts and operators. The integration of communication with autonomous assets and AI through various methods (text, voice, etc) presents new interaction challenges.

As autonomous technology enters both physical and cyber battlespaces, the efficiency of human-machine interaction becomes a critical competitive advantage. The friction, timing, and effectiveness of these systems impacts America's ability to maintain our technological edge.

As we enter a new era of machine learning and language models, understanding optimal human-AI interaction is crucial.

We explore this frontier, focusing on intuitive interfaces for complex systems. Our research aims to optimize communication between human operators and AI, enhancing decision-making in high-stakes environments and maintaining America's technological edge.

Why it matters
Competitive Advantage

A seamless human-AI interface is critical for national competitiveness, especially in defense and security. We explore how optimized UI/UX can accelerate innovation in the defense industrial base and sharpen strategic decision-making, safeguarding America's technological edge.

Why it matters
Cyber National Security

In an era of persistent, sophisticated cyber threats, effective human-AI collaboration is vital for national defense. We develop UI designs that empower analysts to harness AI for rapid threat detection and response, enhancing situational awareness against long-term, stealthy adversaries.

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  • Product teams serving the defense industrial base

  • Operators and analysts in national security

  • Critical infrastructure professionals

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